Advantages of Copyright Registration
Copyright registration creates a monopoly of authors over their unique creation. Just like trademark registration, a copyright is also registered with a registrar of copyrights who legally monitors & examines its uniqueness and its eligibility to get recorded in government books. A copyright becomes a necessity when some creative or artistic work is done and a due credit to its creator is to be given legally, to not to allow any further alterations and to limit its use for a commercial or domestic purpose by others without required permission of the owner.
Once a copyright is registered it creates a sense of security in the mind of the creator, that his scripted creation is now protected under government rules and he solely holds the right over dissemination, translation, reproduction, and adaption of his artistic work. Without his assigned authority and paying a return benefit to him no one can exercise control over it.
Other than legal assistance, copyrights make following additions to the intellectual rights of the owner:
Here are Some Advantages of Copyright Registration:
- It creates a public record of the ownership of copyright holder and enables him to take legal action against infringer’s of its creation in the court of law.
- If registration is done in a short span or at any time prior to an infringement of copyrighted work, the owner can legally claim statutory damages in a high court. Without registration claiming for a monetary compensation might become complicated.
- It motivates creator to work for more intellectual and creative works. With registration, it would not be easy for others to take advantage of copyrighted work without paying remuneration or benefit or return to the title owner.
- Prompting for the registration of work will help to reach of copyrighted ideas to masses. It would be easy for the owner to market and publicise his creation to maintain a flowing presence of himself and his company in the market.
- It becomes possible for the owner to openly exhibit, sell or pass on the rights of the work to other persons with copyright protection.
- Copyrights generate an intellectual property which can be easily sold, mortgaged, contracted or franchised with required permission of owners as a tradable asset.
- Copyrights privileges to the owner to freely work with copyrighted work in other countries and vice versa.
- Organisations can freely market their copyrighted work in supporting documents, brochures, and other advertising media which further stimulates their economic activities.
Final take
It is advisable to get your work registered under copyright law. For unknown opportunities and threats, it is always better to have a legal backing. While the law guides for all remedial measures against infringement, an unregistered claimant might not be able to suffice legal evidence in the court of law for proofing his state of ownership.
Further, copyright registration helps the government to keep a fledged database of protected works and maintain a complete record of the revenue raised by related infringement cases.
Listed above we have summarised some key benefits of copyright registration, so once you go through them you will understand the unlined possibilities of copyright registration for your unique ideas.